
About week

Belarus Fashion Week – an international professional event, aimed at the promotion of designer clothes «prêt–a–porter» and «prêt–a–porter de luxe» in Belarus. First season of BFW was held in Minsk in the fall of 2010.

Main aims of the project:

— Encourage awareness and draw public attention to the development of local fashion brands, as well as the development of fashion industry as a whole (such as designer clothing, mass market clothing, photography, cinema, journalism and art in general);

— Inform the people of Belarus about local fashion, local designer names, brands and opportunities; create favorable conditions for Belarusian designers to demonstrate their creative potential and establish business in fashion;

— Promote Republic of Belarus as well as its fashion potential on an international level, and to attract interest of foreign colleagues and potential clients. To aid this, BFW is actively involved in establishing international links with Fashion Weeks around the World.

Belarus Fashion Week involves daily demonstrations of individual designer collections “prêt–a–porter” and “prêt–a–porter de luxe”. In addition, there is an opportunity for designers to exhibit their collections in showrooms, allowing them to establish connections with potential customers and other professionals.

In accordance with international practice of organization of such events, Belarus Fashion Week is held with support and combined efforts of companies working in fashion, financial contribution of partners and official support of the State. Through progress and growing credibility, Belarus Fashion Week promotesadvancement of domestic design and provides a positive reputation for Belarusian companies, both within the country and abroad. Moreover, Belarus Fashion Week acts as a platform for business meetings and negotiation of multiple business-contracts.

Belarus Fashion Week Schedule includes following events:

  • Official press conference and opening of Belarus Fashion Week;
  • Daily runway shows in the BFW pavilion and other exhibitions;
  • «Off Schedule BFW» shows;
  • Young designers competition «New Names BFW»;
  • Fashion bloggers and journalists competition «Fashion Blog Competition»;
  • Exhibition «Showroom BFW»;
  • Education Centre »Fashion Study Centre» (lectures, seminars, workshops);
  • Photo exhibitions and film screenings;
  • Charity Show Event «Kids Fashion Days BFW»;
  • Organization of off-site events in restaurants, bars and night clubs of the city;
  • Official closing reception of Belarus Fashion Week.

Belarus Fashion Week – Where Fashion Begins!

Photo by Petr Vinnichek

Republican public organization
«Belarus Fashion Council»
Agency of PR and communications
«Open podium»
NIP 490853075